- Taffy
- Suri & Mitzy
- Chaos & storm
- Biro & Sushi
- Sacha & Sammy
- Big Odin
- Ollie & Kyte
- Rafa getting a cuddle
- Rufus & Nel with Jim
- Rufus & Nel
- Taffy, Neto, Hamish & Murphy
- Morgan,Layla & Lucy
- Rocky & Layla
- Little Millie from Yorkshire
- Mungo & Kopper with Angela
- Kaiser
- Buster tying to hide
- Harvey
- Sky, Sunny & Satr
- Nanook & Dakota
- Benji chillin!
- Big Bosco
- Kobe, Millie, Mollie & Cara
- Hector & Lucy
- Molly, Ty & Lucy
- Littel Corey as a puppy
- Wilma & Fred
- Harvey is a real sook!
- Gunnar
- Charlie
- Charlie & Corrie
- Cee Cee
- Buster at bath time
- Bonnie
- Harvey on a walk
- Bailey
- Basil & Lucy
- Bella & Waffles
- Benji & Barney playing tag!
- Spence just loves the attention
- Hey Lara!
- The view over the Clyde Valley
- The rear runs
- The shower room to keep our guests clean
- Ben the Belgian Shepherd
- Chanel & Mitzy off for a walk
- Lola in the Campsie Suite
- Our late beloved Basil.
- Run Mitzy run!!!
- The Ben Lomond Suite
- Lennox enjoying the view
- Juno on a frosty morning
- Koppe & Kirsty
- Coco, Bennie & Mika
- Christmas day walkies
- Kai checking out the cows
- Olliei & Paddy
- Angela & Mitzy
- Coco Chanel
- Cassie waiting to pounce
- Boo Buster!!!
- Bracken
- Dudley & Ollie
- Mabel the Blue Dane.
- Annie, Digby & Cara
- Tia & ball now!
- Oscar the puppy Retriever
- Shadow taking a break from play
- Our new log cabin office
- Say cheese Kyte!!
- Sky & Honey
- Brax taking in the view
- Treacle, Cola, Roxy & Lucy
- Twinkle & Buttons being watched
- Walkie time.
- Blue & Patchy
- Sam
- Gimme that frisbee Kyte says Poppy
- Rufus & Ne
- Molly
- Kaiser
- Littel Lara flying
- Layla & Lucy
- View from the field
- Jess getting spoiled
- Mitzy Moo!
- Lola & MitzyOutside runs
- External covered areas
- View from external runs
- Lady Lola
- Inside of our new log cabin
- Meet Sam such a lovely affectionate, loving dog.
- Our new log cabin
- Bet you cant find me!!!!
- Layla, Lucy, Mungo, Bracken & Kopper on Christmas Day 2013
- Snowcapped Ben Lomond & The Arrochar Alps
- Hector & Lucy havng fun in the snow
- Who you looking at smiley??
- Oh Corrie and Charlie do enjoy being fussed over!
- Kaiser enjoying the view of the Clyde Valley
- Rafa enjoying a cuddle with Angela
- Charlie in full flight!
- The Lhasa Laddies – Taffy, Neto, Hamish and Murphy.
- Roxy the Shar Pei toddling around in the sunshine.
- Buster one of our regulars…what a boy!
- Dude’s thinking ” do we go all the way to the top?”
- Mindy Kirsty and Daisy in the garden
- Sammy checking out the cows
- Keira sunning herself
- Ben chillin after a run in the field
- Our shower room will ensure your dogs stay squeaky clean during their stay
- A peaceful and quiet outlook across the fields
- The Campsie Suite
- The Ben Lomond Suite
- Double glazed doors for added light and security.
- Mitzy conducting quality control on the toys
- Sofas in the outdoor rooms for chillin!
- Scruffy and Ziggy admiring the view
- The view from the external exercise rooms.
- The covered rear exercise runs give plenty of room for play and sleep
- Our own little Mitzy keeping and eye on things!